Merging Worlds: IKEA Meets Philadelphia’s Charm

Our collaboration with a renowned interior design agency in Växjö, Sweden, brought us an exciting challenge: designing interior graphics for the IKEA office in Philadelphia. The core challenge was to synergize IKEA’s well-established brand identity with inspirational and informational elements tailored for the office space. The critical task was to create a design that not only reflected IKEA’s global ethos but also resonated with the local culture and community of Philadelphia, ensuring a sense of inclusion and belonging for the office staff.

Embracing this challenge, we embarked on a creative journey to intertwine the rich cultural fabric of Philadelphia with the iconic IKEA brand. Our approach was to create a series of engaging, culturally blended interior graphics that celebrated both the IKEA spirit and Philadelphia’s unique identity.
One standout creation, as highlighted by Luke Cavangh from IKEA’s change management team, was the illustration of the IKEA instructions guy. This artwork, adorning the office wall, depicted the character standing on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, gazing out at the city skyline with the IKEA store in the backdrop. In a playful nod to Philadelphia’s beloved Rocky Balboa, the character donned boxing gloves and trunks. This whimsical yet profound integration of cultures not only added a fun element to the office but also demonstrated our deep commitment to cultural understanding and integration.
Through these designs, we delivered more than just aesthetics; we fostered a sense of belonging and cultural appreciation, truly encapsulating the spirit of both IKEA and Philadelphia.



shirāz & dāryān

This is shiraz & daryan, two multidisciplinary artists working as a collaborative duo. This collaboration started in year 2011 when they found out that they are able to make the world a better place by creating Art.

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From Farm to Brand: Logo Innovations for Mossagården