Future Archives by Killspencer®

The Objective
Killspencer is a business located in Los Angeles started by Spencer Nikosey. They make the most high-end handmade products. It’s a brand for people who care about having handmade products with great quality - by people who feel the same. By people who care about what they do. They make tennis racket bags in luxury leather, backpacks, duffle bags, and more. All sewn by hand in LA. The objective of this project was to design a new webshop and brand identity for the parent brand while still keeping the feeling of the brand. The parent brand needed to be open and ready to accept and incorporate future, and current, daughter brands - to feel inclusive.

The Solution
To be able to give Killspencer what they dreamed of for their brand, we started our journey together by figuring out the brand’s philosophy. We felt the need to work closely with the brand Killspencer to really get to know every part of their brand philosophy, values, and visions. To get the right feeling about the brand identity and the webshop. Brands are just like humans. So to be able to really bring out the personality of the brand we needed to get to know the brand inside and out - to make sure Killspencer reflects the personality that it has. By doing this we were able to come up with a brand identity suiting the brand, and a new design for the webshop.

Keyword: Brand Identity, Webshop Design, Visual Branding, E-Commerce, Website Design, Graphic Profile, Brand Guidelines



shirāz & dāryān

This is shiraz & daryan, two multidisciplinary artists working as a collaborative duo. This collaboration started in year 2011 when they found out that they are able to make the world a better place by creating Art.


Noir & Fungus


Lila Valadan